Roast Barley

Roast Barley

Roast Barley

Code: RSB25

Adds dark colour as well as hints of Coffee and dark cocoa

Est. EBC: 1300-1600

Est. Lovibond: 490-600
NZ$ 5.20
Grain Treatment:
Mix Grains in Bag Number:
Purchase Qty:

Est. EBC: 1300-1600

Est. Lovibond: 490-600

This product is used in the production of dry or bitter Stouts and other dark beers, or for the careful adjustment of Pilsen beer colours. A different, slower roasting temperature profile is used but the final temperature is 220°C or even higher, which is achieved by allowing the exothermic roasting reactions to continue after turning off the heat source. The reaction is stopped by quenching with water. Because of the high temperature at the end, colour pick-up at this stage is very rapid and extreme care is needed to prevent carbonisation. Because the roasting process is slightly different from that used for Roast malt and a higher final temperature is used, the balance of pyrazines to pyrroles is different, with there being more pyrazines present in this product. This leads to a more bitter flavour and the use of the material in the so-called bitter Stouts. With extreme care it can also be used to colour and flavour Lager beers, but the quantities used are very small, certainly no more than 2 or 3 Kg in 1 tonne of grist.