Maris Otter Pale (UK)

Maris Otter Pale (UK)

Maris Otter Pale (UK)

Code: M004

Marris Otter is an English thoroughbred. The malt is typically described as having a rich, nutty flavour, well suited to a range of ales including English IPAs, Brown Ales, Porters and Stouts.

Est. EBC: 5-7
Est. Lovibond: 2.5-3
NZ$ 6.00
Grain Treatment:
Mix Grains in Bag Number:
Purchase Qty:

Est. EBC: 5-7

Est. Lovibond: 2.5-3

Marris Otter is an English thoroughbred and this winter barley variety is still the favoured choice of many UK ale brewers. The resulting malt is typically described as having a rich, nutty flavour, well suited to a range of ales from English IPAs through to Brown Ales, Porters and Stouts.